Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Mountain Bluebird

This is the day we are getting ready to head home.  I caught this quick shot of a Mountain Bluebird.  It's not the best but I don't have any other blipworthy shots from the day.

We had a really wonderful time with new friends and old friends and even two surprise visits from friends we didn't expect.  We got to meet Rick and Susie's son who had planned this visit but we didn't expect to see their daughter and SIL.  Actually, neither did they.  It was a big surprise.  It was great to see them again!  We were lucky they arrived the day before we left or we would have missed them.  

Can't wait to get back here again...and since it took so long to get these last five blips posted, we'll be back there in 5 days! :-))

Backblipped on 8/7/18

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