Fubar (Day 1189)

It was nice to wander the woofers up the hill in the sunshine again, reassured that summer hasn't completely deserted us yet.
Whilst my beautiful wife  zoomed off to do hossing stuff, I headed for town to collect bits for a job, then trundled to Stromness to fit a replacement loo. With that job done, I went along the street a bit to have another look at Crispin's boiler which is being a bit of a pain in the bum at the moment. It starts up fine most of the time, but randomly decides it doesn't want to light. The chimney sweep was there when I arrived and we both came to the conclusion that the flue must be partly blocked. I spent a while there after the flue was cleared, starting and stopping the boiler without managing to replicate the fault. Maybe it is fixed, maybe I will need to go back and throw it in the sea.
I had a brief stop at home to unload junk from the van before another trip to town to collect bits for tomorrow's job (proper plumbing - woo hoo!) and to see if the strimmers were ready to collect. One of them was ready, running much better than it ever has done. It was a different story with the other one. The piston and cylinder have gone the wall of all things 2 stroke and are deeply scored and beyond repair. It has been consigned to the scrap heap. 

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