A time for everything

By turnx3

Dozing squirrel

The first part of the morning I was at church, then it was off to the "Y" to swim. I was sitting in the car in the car park, just finishing listening to something on the radio, and this squirrel came scampering into the tree in front of me. As I watched, he came forward onto this branch, stretching himself out and appeared to be taking a nap! I took a snap through the window first, thinking the noise of opening it would send him scampering off, but then I tried opening it, and he gave me a wary glance but stayed where he was. Finally, I gingerly got out of the car, and he still stayed where he was for a few minutes, before finally retreating. After swimming, I stopped at the supermarket on my way home. Then the afternoon was spent with domestic chores. This evening it was back to church for a new 4-week study on Handel's Messiah, using it as an avenue into the biblical texts on which it is based. Handel's Messiah is one of my favorite pieces of music, and I think this study will help me appreciate it even more. We are just studying the Christmas portion of it now, and will continue with the Easter section in Lent. When I got home from that I had to continue sewing up a couple of children's sweaters for our church knitting ministry, as tomorrow they are going to be mailed out to an orphanage in Russia, through the Comfort Foundation.

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