George Whitfield

This is the front and back (see extra) of a new historical marker near our church. The lighted sign on the right is in front of our church.  George Whitfield was a contemporary of John and Charles Wesley, but later had disagreements about doctrine.  John Wesley, as I suspect you know, unintentionally founded the Methodist church.  He had a failed preaching mission to Georgia, USA, and there are memorials to his work there on St. Simon's Island.  The marker about Whitfield's visit is so funny.  Wesley was also an Anglican clergyman and evangelist  (son of Samuel Wesley an Anglican clergyman), but did not intend to start a new denomination, but was concerned about the limited outreach of the Anglican Church.  His friends at Oxford began calling out him and his followers for the methods in their religious work, so the term Methodists began to stick.  His brother Charles is probably credited with more hymns as anyone.

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