Happiness is Someone Paying Attention

I went over to Dana’s to drop off an amazing looking Armenian cucumber from Tobi’s garden. Despite the fact that the temperature was pushing 100 degrees F, it was shady in Dana’s garden where she was working. Sassy, the three legged cat came out of her spot under the olive tree, and lingered for some personal attention. She even got some of that from Blake who roused himself from his midday torpor.

As I was driving home, I noticed the smoke coming over the hill at the top of Los Alamos road and backing up against the hills behind our house. It couldn’t have been coincidence that as I was driving toward the smoke, the announcer on the radio was quoting the guy with the fake tan and the ridiculous comb-over as saying that the fires weren’t caused by global warming, they were caused by ‘bad environmental laws’. I don't want to find out if he said that as he denied California the federal assistance requested by  our Governor Brown, but I wouldn't put it past him. 

On the other hand, Australia and New Zealand are sending teams of firefighters to California and Oregon to help direct the thousands of line fighters already in place. Because of their knowledge of fighting bush fires and the fact that it is winter in the antipodes, they can be spared for a couple of months. I'm sure there are lots of people here who would do the same.

With so many good people willing to travel half way around the world to help, I can’t help wondering how we got stuck with such a narcissistic, immoral, bully as president. I hope the right people are paying attention to the numerous investigations and lawsuits pending against him. It should be only a matter of time...but then again, I've been saying that for almost two years....

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