
EArly morning start to Glasgow to dentist to get new chompers. The top denture was fine, just needed a wee bit of filing down however as he was whizzing away with his drill he suddenly began saying "oh shit oh shit" over and over. Being as my gob was full of drill bits etc I couldnt say anything till he stopped. He thought he had chipped one of the teeth, hence the expletives! He then said "ach well a worn denture looks more realistic"! I said "you could sell oil to the Arabs you". happily he hadnt chipped it all.
The lower denture was a diffirent kettle of fish & didnt fit at all well so I will have to return on Fri to see if he has amanaged to get it sorted. In the meantime at least I no longer have a squint upper denture and my pals can no longer accuse me of looking like a horse! Such nice friends I have!
Happy blipping all

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