DiLuain: Monday: Montag: Lundi

Monday went well. 

I was productive. All three of us were - even the Hippie, in spite of having a family funeral tomorrow. 

The Teenager is still away on InterRail somewhere, and the Syrian is now an ex-colleague. She is off on holiday (Colonsay) and then away to London to do a masters degree at LSE. The Boss is still on holiday.

À propos yesterday’s language event, I will always remember something the Syrian once said prompted me to ask what her first language is. She was puzzled for a while and really couldn’t answer. She explained her English is much better than her Arabic, but she learned Arabic first.  

I had a good session in the kitchen when I got home. A healthy dinner (extra) and then after I’d eaten I made gazpacho Andaluz for tomorrow night. 

After that I went down to Dysart for a while. That warm southerly breeze is still coming off the water to keep us warm and cool at the same time.  

I got my Blip there - the houses in Hie Gait. I suppose that would be Highgate in English.  

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