Dreaming, I'm always dreaming.............

I think I saw everyone in the gym this morning, well everyone I know, and Jill, who is a retired nurse, was telling me about her daughter, who works hard, but also spends a lot. She said, she is from the JAM generation. Of course I said, whats that? and she replied. just about managing. She comes out with some great sayings. 'Des came in late, as usual, and I had already been on the cross trainer with Mike, so I think he was a bit miffed:-) It's very difficult having to spread yourself so thin!!!! While I was waiting for J to meet me, I popped into the library, and saw this book, which was beautifully illustrated.. although I can't see many people actually buying it.(see my extra ) That little girl, could have been me when I was a child. I wish I had borrowed it now. I came straight home, and J  fitted new brakes on Peter glass eyes's motorbike. 

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