Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Finally I got out for a walk again. And, I didn't need to get up at sunrise to escape the heat! Very nice weather outside. :) I was listening to a podcast during my walk and it was really interesting about exercising and psychology and how to get people motivated to move. I lack motivation sometimes, but I find that as soon as I get out the door, or in to the gym, I feel really good and I like it! They also talked about were the motivation came from... outside pressure or motivation from oneself. It can be things like family telling you to loose weight, it can be you who want to improve your fitness in some way... to get stronger or to run faster, or something like it. I think the motivation coming from oneself is the best and I really want to get my fitness better in terms of jogging. One step at the time. :) 
This evening I'm looking forward to a cup of tea at the allotment and some planning for this week. I have a chair to prepare for a new paint, and we also have some concrete fun planned. I've never maid things out of concrete, so I'm looking forward to that! 

Just now, I had the fortune of letting two more butterflies fly free... Both sat on my fingers before flying off. The last one lingered a bit and then flew of into the wind and the blue sky. I wish them well and a happy life! If I knew I would have a butterfly nursery in my large greenhouse, I would have put some sugar water in there for them to drink before setting off... 

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