A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Trying Times

I am confused about what to do with the rest of my life. The problem is, I'm pretty old now. It's not like I'm seventeen and having normal bits of confusion regarding the future. I haven't had a regular job for a couple of years now, since we made the move back to Chicago to be near the kids and grandkids. I took a year off to care for Owen, which turned into two years. While I was watching him I managed to finish my college education - a huge relief and satisfaction. Now...done with that...I should be actively seeking a high paying, visibly powerful, full of responsibility position, right? There's probably never been a worse time (in my life) to be stepping into the workforce. I'm speaking of the economy of course. While I've been 'not working' I have been busy with three separate home businesses, so why do I feel like I'm not contributing? I fear that I am sensing (rightly or wrongly) that this is what is expected of me. Hence, my confusion.

These are the times that try men's souls and apparently all we need is a handbook. If only life was that simple.

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