Sign of the times!

While walking the dugs along the canal basin I espied a new sign boldy stating for those stupid enough not to realise  that you are on the Crinan Canal at Ardrishaig. Honestly I despair of Scottish Canals! They have painted one  basin side of their building green and white ( is that such a good colour combination to choose in the West of Scotland!! The road side part of the building is still boggin and tatty looking. There is this huge new sign while across the road at the now redundant Yot spot never did like a place that couldn't spell yacht, anyway it's now called the Steamer something or other. They have even made heaps of banners proclaiming its name, shame they couldn't get them to face the right direction. What of the canal itself? well many of the lock crossings have been taped shut, some locks don;t work, the wonderfull historic bridge at Dunardry is lying kaput, the main Ardrishaig lock on the road is F***** (according to an exe employee) So why, I ask are Scottish canals spending gazillions of pounds tarting the place up when the real  jewel in their crown i.e. the actual canal is falling apart! Once canal employees looked after the grass and the plants round the war memorial, now its contractors (how much does that cost) and they wrecked the planet so much so that an exe employee has taken it upon himself to look after them! The canal managers house known as the Brighouse is in ruins inhabited only by ghosts and crows! It could have been a beautiful building but no these bozos have let it become a sorry ruin. Its time something was done. The canal reps appear at meetings and events and spout out a load of drivel about what great plans they have while in reality its all lip service. Time they were given a good kick up the backside!

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