From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

One of those days...

Tired! I should have done this a bit earlier as Shev wasn't keen on my yesterday spider! I have no idea where he is lurking now by the way.

What do you take a picture of when you don't leave the house all day? I could have got Tesco Man I suppose or the four Birmingham City Council workers sweeping up leaves from the street but I don't think they'd have appreciated it if I was spotted. Due to debts of huge payouts having to be made to underpaid female workers from years ago being paid less than men doing the same job, it was announced last week that there would be massive cut backs involving redundancies. Any services which don't have to be provided by BCC legally, are under threat. The last thing you'd want to see is a Solihull Council worker who sits on her arse all day taking photos out the window.

It wasn't the best day workwise. I've had worse though.

This little glass pyramid caught the light (and my eye) this evening. It was a present from a friend who went to Egypt but I'll be honest, I had to dust it a bit, try to make it look pretty and blow it up as it would fit on a postage stamp! Still, it was either this or another 11:59 clock!

Track? Pink Floyd for you - One Of These Days

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