Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A black and white day

The first Saturday of the month is a challenge day by Emma Davies who created  A Year with My Camera photography course that I took a while back.   I did learn so much from her lessons.  So easy to understand.   And I do shoot off auto much more than I ever did!   I keep up with her emails and challenges because it makes me think about my photos.

One Day Twelve Pics is to shoot a photo every hour, no matter what it is or where you are, to post on the Facebook site or on Instagram.  I have been doing this monthly for maybe a year.  It makes me look for photos, seeing what might make a good photo..usually right here at my house.  So today I decided to shoot with the iphone in black and white using the windows looking outside as my subject.  I tried to  use a window in every room except I started by shooting out the glass door at the front porch and ended there.  This morning it was just getting daylight when I took the first photo and this afternoon at was bright and sunny with many shadows from the trees.     It was fun to find things to shoot! 

In my other creative project doing poems from pages of a book, I now have nine pages complete..which means I still have 21 more to go!   I have been posting these pages on my blog as a way to keep them in one place.   When I get the pages complete I will make a booklet cover out of heavier paper and make them into a book.   Reading the book I am using is taking some time..finding a story that has words that I want to use is harder than I thought it would be but I still have the desire to do this so maybe I can get another nine done this week.   I put one of the pages in the extras.  

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  We are steam bathing here in SC after the heavy rain we had the last couple of days and now the hot air is back too!  

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