
By HarrythePotter

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Whilst waiting in the car for someone to photograph Blip Bear on his holiday I noticed Lake Windermere in reverse in the door mirror.

Day one of our holiday in the Lake District involved traveling to Ambleside with Murphy who has never been so far. Due to the very hot weather he travelled on the back seat instead of the rear so that he benefited from the air con too. He wasn't used to this and sang till the first stop, then sang again for part of the journey to the second stop, after this he wasn't concerned any more and slept.

One of the stops was Stafford Services where we noticed a couple with a Spaniel and a Doberman. What are the chances of walking close to our cottage later the same day and seeing the same couple??

We have a beautiful and cute cottage in a quiet street with a distant view of the lake and look forward to some walking from it, leaving the car where it is parked.

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