pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

i wish you only knew how good it is to see you

Happy Diwali!

I generally consider myself to be a non-practising Hindu but there are certain events which I do really like, like Diwali. It's not particularly the story or what most people make of Diwali that I's the being with my parents and my brother which I wish I could do more often. I remember as a child I'd light dozens of candles and place them outside our front door, making a nice pattern with them. Sadly, today I didn't do that. I did light a little candle in the evening. I don't have a small Lakshmi though - I only have a Ganesh that my mum gave to me so Ganesh too has made it to today's blip!

Other things that happened today....We had a bikeability workshop in the afternoon. Lots of trying out different bikes in the playground with the kids. Another day where I left school late, but on a positive note, I finally made it to the gym after about 5 weeks of not going! I think it was listening to Rage Against the Machine on my ipod that put me in the right frame of mind to go!

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