Into the Woods.

We went to the woods not once but twice today!
First of all we went to Stoke Woods to meet my mum and Elsie for a walk. Miss E behaved as if I was dragging her off down the mine and spent most of the time looking as though she was sucking on a lemon. Sigh.
Miss L had a nice time doing a treasure hunt, looking for things I told her to - hazelnuts, fungus (surprisingly difficult!!), holly, animal holes, litter, y shaped sticks, berries, flowers, feathers...... It got quite hard to think of things eventually!
Miss E perked up on the way home. A quick detour to McDonalds probably helped!!
Just as I was settling in for a bit of a lounge with a cup of tea the Little Misses asked could they go out for a bike ride. Resisting the urge to tell them to shut up and go and play on their iPads I said of course and off we set.
They cycled around while I strolled after them. We went down the hill through the woods and despite my constant reminders that what goes down must come back up again they insisted on going all the way down to the bottom.
Th journey back up was hard. It's steeper than it looks! Lots of pushing on my part and grunting on theirs and bellows of "Let's Do This!!!!!!!" Very funny!
We were out so long that Mr K got home from work and came out to meet us. 
Once we got home I could finally collapse onto the sofa with my cup of tea. Mr K popped to M&S for soup for dinner. We have run out of food and I don't seem to be able to find the time - or energy - to go and buy some more.
Might be time to get Mr Tescos to come round!

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