All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Dr Ethan

Ethan downright refused to let us use this thermomoter to take his temperature last week. However tonight he insisted on taking both my temperature and hubbies with it ... it was a very serious business as far as Ethan was concerned!

We gave notice to his nursery today that Ethan will be leaving there in a months time as we're moving him to a different nursery in January. I feel a bit bad about this as he's really happy and settled at the current one. However they don't get the council funding which we're entitled to once Ethan turns 3 hence the reason we're moving him to one which does.

Found out today that Ethan has been given a specific "role" at the nursery Christmas concert rather than being a general choir member. He is going to be ... drumroll please .... Dasher! Cute! We have been given a big sheet of songs he needs to learn by then so we're hoping Granny can help with that over the coming weeks! So far he knows the first line of Jingle Bells only so we have a wee way to go!

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