Not a great rock star but.......

So, today I offloaded another huge bundle of cash buying bread, cheese, pate etc for tomorrow. I think I will give it a miss next year and have a holiday instead, it is so expensive when you add it all up.

So, why the picture? Well, Mr L makes his own guitars and in the long gone days when we were young, he used to sing in a band. We also used to have lots of social gatherings at home, and the guitar always came out for a singalong. He ran through several songs this afternoon, and has left the stuff out! I think we are going to have another musical interlude tomorrow. I am very disappointed that Son number 2 has now pulled out as well as number 1, but son number 3, my brother and a cousin will make sure the family are represented at the ‘family and friends annual do’.

I rounded my day off with a dip! Yes, up to the beach, with dog and ball, and while Mr L threw the ball for dog ( who doesn’t like going in any deeper than his paws) I swam ( well I did the doggy paddle really) but it was lovely! I came home and ordered some water shoes, as the shingle at big tide is painful to walk on!

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