
I’ve had a collection of Agapanthus bulbs for about 6 or 7 years and I’ve tried to get them to flower in different conditions. I lost patience with them last year and put them in the most inhospitable place I could find. I even had to drill holes in the ground to plant them individually. A harsh long wet winter and a drought this summer has worked it’s magic....they have all flowered:0)

A very productive day, on the back of a crap email that I received last night. It was one of those unsolicited obnoxious......designated for the bin items. This morning B and I checked through my security on my laptop, passwords etc and made sure everything was up to date......which it was......and what I expected.

A positive outcome was, that I have managed to access my old FlickR account and can now access the 1000+ pictures posted prior to 2015. The decision now I have the energy to upload pictures from 2015 to 2018! I may just do special holiday pics!!

An additional bonus was the block that I did before dinner (in extras). One that I designed myself on the back of a piece of glass that I saw. It is simple and will fit into the Art Deco quilt that I’m doing, quite nicely.

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