For the first day in months it really rained today in eastern Sweden, and much needed it is. There were thunderstorms in the morning and torrential, but localised downpours. We sat in the van waiting for a break before going for a walk on the old shorelines that have occurred because of the isostatic rebound after the ice melted at the end of the last ice age. There were 3 kms of ice in this part of the Baltic and the land has risen by as much as 500 metres leaving the highest beach lines at 286 metres above sea level. It’s still rising by about 8 mm a year so it compensates for the rising sea levels as the Arctic melts. The extra is of the amazing lichen that covers the old beach cobbles that are now exposed. We then went to Rotsidan for a look at the amazing smooth rock that is being revealed. Sadly it coincided with the next batch of thunderstorms so the blip is just before the rain hosed down and the sky looked like a threatening eye.
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