Blipfoto Friends

Edinburgh is gridlocked with Festival traffic, leaving His Lordship and me at the mercy of a wittering taxi driver for far too long. He got our fare because the designated bus failed to make an appearance, and no amount of monosyllabic responses from me silenced him.
By the time we exited, I was told off by HL for responding to the driver rather than telling him to stop talking. I don’t like being rude, but I agree that on occasion, it is necessary.
We caught the bus home -problem solved, even though the journey was at snail’s pace and there were noisy antipodean children two seats in front.

This afternoon I met up with Blipper Birgit’s partner Bert and son Kai who are over from The Netherlands to visit the tattoo. We had a coffee together in the RSA galleries and did a spot of reminiscing. We decided that HL and I had met him and Birgit for the first time in 2011 on a hill in Shetland as they pedalled up it and we were waiting for a bus after a visit to the island of Mousa. I persuaded Birgit to join Blipfoto which she eventually did and the rest is history.

Bert brought a painting from Birgit for me which is my extra image. I love it and will frame it for my study. If you read this Birgit while you are on your cycle tour, thank you so much, it is beautiful.

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