A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


There was something about her hair I couldn't resist this morning.

I could write about how tired I am from my 4.45am start and full on day of work, school runs and household chores. But it might sound like I didn't want any of it. And I very much do - even the bits that feel hard or challenging and make me feel out of my depth and a bit scared. They are only hard and challenging and make me feel out of my depth and a bit scared because they are new and if I wasn't doing something new I'd be doing the same old same old day in day out and that doesn't sound like any fun at all. So I'll take the hard and the challenging given a choice.

And whatever happens I get to wake up to this and at the end of the day I get to give her a big cuddle so who cares how hard and scary the in between bit is. And there's a boy version too. But his hair's not so much fun.

Lesley x

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