horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

An Afternoon Off Of Contrasts

I'd taken the afternoon off work today to take advantage of the birthday present I'd got from George - a track night up at Knockhill. That didn't start till 6, with a driving registration starting at 5, so after eating lunch out in the sun in the countryside near to the circuit I suddenly hit on the idea of having enough time to visit the Argaty Red Kites - by my reckoning I'd get there just in time for them putting some food out (they put a bit out to entice them, but not so much that they don't have to fend for themselves).

It was a 40 minute drive away, and completely worth it, with around 15 kites putting on a display.

After the joy of the natural world, it was the noise and speed and grin-inducing fun of the track night. I'd got myself quite nervous about it, especially after seeing various Porsches and track specials and proper racing cars and tuned allsorts turning up. I knew I'd be the slowest straight line in the old Mini, and that proved to be the case, but in the corners.... Especially with it being wet, at the little twisty section after the main straight I could pretty much hold my own.

Over a two hour session I'd go out for 10-15 minute blasts, before coming back to the pit lane to let everything cool down (my brakes especially were getting cooked), and the effort involved was exhausting. I went out for one last session, but the heavens opened, and my power disappeared. Must have got water in the distributor or something, and discretion being the better part etc. I figured it was more important to make sure the car could get me home.

Plans, however, to pep up the performance over winter, and head back up sometime next year. 

One of the best afternoons off I can remember....

p.s. obviously given I was driving I couldn't get a photo of me on the track - but did get a little video of me keeping pace with a Porsche through the twists, until we hit a little straight, here.

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