Sleepy dust as standard

3years 23days

This is Lenny Lamb. And Katie. At 5.45 tonight. Lenny seems to be very heavy on the sleepy dust. Katie yesterday went in for the first time, after I picked her up from nursery, where she'd already gone to sleep. She grizzled at being woken, but rapidly settled back to sleep in Lenny, looking closely at it before she went "ohhhh" then went to sleep. This morning, we were in a rush, so I wrapped her and she nearly went back to sleep. Then tonight, she went to sleep almost straight away again, and is tucked up in bed already!

This morning she was quite excited as our photo book from the Olympics arrived and she saw it for the first time this morning. She also wanted to take it to nursery with her to show. I got a phone call early afternoon about something separate and the manager said "I've just spent ages looking at the book, we're all passing it round!" so Katie was very proud.

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