Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


A wee part of it.  (Under the wharf)
Watched the documentary Mission Blue about Sylvia Earle, oceanographer pioneer and her mission to inspire action to explore and protect the ocean.   She has seen astonishing changes with her own eyes in her lifetime.  Wonderful ocean photography.   As of 2017, 12 % of the land on earth is protected through national parks or such (altho Trump is trying to change that) and only 5% of the much vaster ocean has some sort of protection.  (from fishing, or mining or drilling or..….)Hope spots.   There is a long way to go.....
( and a word about the cora ball I have that is supposed to take all the microfibers ..and dog hair...out of the washing so it doesn't go into the water.   I have yet to see any on the ball!!)

Libby the seal pup  is hanging in there under and by the dock…. I do admit I’m worried about her future tho… she’s not exactly fat.

Very windy and much cooler.... maybe we'll even get some rain!

Started a new puzzle today.    By the same company as the last one in the extra here. The bizarre bookshop by Colin Thompson was amazing ..have put 2 closeups of shelves on extras. …one on photography and one for cooking books.   Good for a chuckle if you need one.   

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