The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Love Thy Neighbour

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Rod, my friend at work has 3 children, 7 year old twin girls and a 4 year old boy. They moved recently and the kids in their street all jump over the garden walls to play in each other’s gardens. They have a great time. They entertain each other and the adults are quite happy.


One of the twins hollered ‘Muuuuuuuuum’ from a neighbouring garden

Mrs Rod sighed, expecting to hear the usual sibling complaint - she hit me/she called me a bumface/she looked at me funny. What she didn’t expect to hear was ‘SHE’S DONE A POO’.

Rod’s daughter had seen no reason to come inside and use a flushable facility when she needed a dump. Turned out she had seen one of the other kids peeing in the garden and figured ‘in for a penny’.

In someone else’s garden!

Poor Mrs Rod rushed over to clean it up and had the added humiliation of having to explain why she was there.

I almost hyperventilated because I was laughing so much.


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