Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Portobello Market

City walking in a heatwave, the hot air bouncing off the walls, meant we spent Sunday cruising between coffee shops and cold ciders. Portobello Market didn't have the street stalls out as it was Sunday and we were glad of that for it would have been too stifling and busy to breathe. Instead we got the best views of the street shops and their contents spilled out onto the pavement. I had to surrender to the heat and buy a wide brimmed straw hat, but only after I'd asked the market guy for one that would fit "ma massive heid" (My hair has a lot going on, including its own postcode). A walk back via a bit of a bland Notting Hill, Paddington, Heathrow express (air conditioning, yeeha!) and home...but no tube journeys, thank goodness. Just lovely to spend a whole weekend laughing with Dave..and the kids first weekend of independence seemed to pass without incident...as far as we know.

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