The White Rose . . . symbol of Yorkshire UK . . . reflected in my heritage.

To follow tradition, one must read the Yorkshire Declaration of Integrity . . . Happy YORKSHIRE DAY to you all. I did, of course,  wear my flay cap as well.

  I, Riversider, being a native of and resident of Yorkshire declare:

 That Yorkshire is three Ridings and the City of York with these boundaries of 1142 years standing

 That the address of all places in these Ridings is Yorkshire

 That all persons born therein or resident therein and loyal to the Ridings are Yorkshire men and women

 That any person or corporate body which deliberately ignores or denies the aforementioned shall forfeit all claim to Yorkshire status.

 These declarations made this Grand and Proper Yorkshire Day 2018.

Yorkshire Forever!

 God Save the Queen!

(Followed by three cheers)

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