Lusy Imbergerova - Day 2

Today was 2nd day of the Lusy Imbergerova course. 

Gollum was feeling a lot better this morning, but I still decided not to work him. He needs to use his energy on recovering fully rather than on training. 
And sadly Hero had an upset stomach too this morning, which meant that I had no dog to work today.

I decided to give my handler place on the course to Helle and just be there as a spectator. I was disappointed of course, but the boys' health is more important than a day at a work shop. I don't want them to work, if they are not feeling well. 

So the boys had a relaxing day with lots of cuddles and time to sleep. And I think they enjoyed it. They are tired now - first a week in Holland and then off to Summer Camp. It has been a lot to take in for them.

At 4.30 pm we packed the car and started the journey home. I was home at around 8 pm - it took a while to get all my stuff in, but now it is 10 pm and we are ready for bed.

This is Marie from Sweden and her Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, who are performing for Lusy at the workshop. 

Night night Blipland
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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