Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Shelf life

Today’s project was a small shelf unit for herbs and spices, part of my attempt to sweat our physical assets by putting nooks and crannies to good use.

Old houses have quite a lot of funny corners, particularly if they’ve been adapted (or maladapted) down the years. Our living room has one area that resembles an M.C. Escher illustration and people have been known to go cross eyed staring at it and trying to work out what fits where. I find it annoying and intriguing and it is a personal challenge for me to put it to good use somehow. I might install a false ceiling or create a concealed cats playground, or even build a priest hole. Actually the modern equivalent would probably be a Brexit Bolthole; if the fascist Rees-Mogg sweeps to power like some Cromwellian autocrat and starts to string pro-Europeans up from lampposts it might be necessary to have a hiding place.

I might have a rest tomorrow as it is my last day before starting my phased return to work. I have been very busy these last few weeks; it certainly hasn’t been a holiday.

Hot again. Talk of shortages of potatoes due to the long dry summer. Probably a bumper year for British wine ‘though ...

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