
By CharlotteJ

Injury Woes

Sadly today Chris’ recent hip pain turned into a problem!! Poor bloke got to three miles on our rehearsal walk and was in a lot of pain!! We managed to get back to the car (another three miles) by taking it very slowly.

Chris got an appointment with a physio, an ex army physio (as you do in Hereford!) and the outcome isn’t good!! He has strongly advised no walking long distance as the issue is going to take a while to resolve. He’s done something to his lower back which is affecting the hip and something within the hip (not technical I know!) and only time, various stretches and a set of treatments will resolve. So no walking, no challenge. I could do the event on my own but that’s not why we signed up for it! It was to do it together, for my mum.

Chris is quite down about it....It is what it is and we can do it next least we have discovered we LOVE walking!!

The heather up the Breacons was really pretty today and coming out in full force.

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