My Good Deed for the Day....

....or was it!

A few weeks ago, I advertised on the Facebook selling sites for any unwanted garden toys so I could replace the Broken ones at a family centre I work in.  I had a great response and chose today (ok, yesterday as I'm back blipping!) to go round and pick it all up as I had a day off. Daughter Number 1 also came over to help me, thinking it would be safer visiting strangers homes I didn't know.  

Also, as luck would have it, Mr W was using my car for work so I used his.... or what should read ours... but he calls it his! 'Ours' is bigger so we could fit more in.

We met some great people including a baby who launched himself at Emily for a cuddle, a beautiful cat, a woman who was secretly disposing of bikes and toys without her daughter seeing and after we got lost down a muddy, puddly track, we knocked on the wrong door only to find it was someone we knew!! They looked as job smacked as we were! 

The car was so full we actually had to make a 40 mile round trip to the family centre to off load before the next 2 pick ups.

We had a great day together and I didn't mind a bit doing all this in my own time (with a little bit of my own money) and even washed the mud off the wheel arches of 'our' car, aware that Mr W would probably moan.

And boy did he moan.  He was not at all amused that I filled 'his' car with 'junk' and didn't even buy any milk.  How dare I.

Luckily he didn't notice the wheel arches and hasn't yet opened the garage to see all the 'junk', but I tell you what, it's far better junk than the Broken junk the kids are already playing with.  

So I guess not everyone will see our deeds as good ones.

Oh well.

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