Happy Movie Day

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Today's picture is of a painting Cazza bought from a friend of hers in Papamoa. I really like it. If you didn't know, it is of a pukeko which is an adorable NZ bird with huge feet.

But Cazza didn't have much chance to tell me any more about it. She is out for the evening with the IRD Lady again.

This means I have an evening of take-out food and horror movies with the lads. Punky has already shared half my tea, and although Jasper is not interested he's quite happy to sit by my side and watch.

I gave "Happy Death Day" a go. It was okay. No more than that. Although enhanced by the fact that when Cazza is out I turn all the lights off and pretend I am at the pictures.

Mind you, there's also no drunken people helping themselves to mini bottles of wine out of my bag. I miss that.

Jasper? Would you care to partake?

He's such a lush.


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