Sieze the day

By Mario

Practice makes perfect

Tonight we had the 2nd of 5, 3k run and walk series with a very chilly wind. Millie ran an excellent run again tonight chopping another 4 seconds off her time. When we finished I went for a drive looking for a blip and noticed this chap practicing the Bagpipes,it was a chance for me to listen to something I like. This man stopped for a spell and I had a chat which was a great chance meeting. This is Bill Anderson a GP from South Carolina doing locum work in Timaru for 6 months as Bill is new to Timaru and me an ex network marketer I just asked a few simple things and found out a great deal. Bill is a keen photographer so I told him about our Focus Photo club,he's a keen runner told him about the Harrier Club and the 5k series in February his chosen distance. Bill is going to get a bike and ride around and to and from his work. He is going to bike around the tracks and also go tramping another interest of mine when I suggested he talk to Dr Dick he thaught Dick was a bit extreme, he said he's climb Evrest and I said only 5 times. With a bit of luck we may see Bill at some of our Camera club nights and at some of our running races. In the mean time Bill is going to continue practicing his pipes as he has not played for a while and he has just joined up with the local pipe band and we have 2 very good ones localy

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