Sunny ride round the lanes with Helen. Always eventful . Given a delicious cold satsuma by a friend out gardening , much appreciated. Ponies given a massive startle by a lady in red apron and hat also gardening who popped up out of the bushes like a lunatic waving jolly hellos ( but we didn’t know her!) and sent both ponies cantering back up the lane in terror ! No way were they going back past her - so off I got and coaxed them safely past , then the obligatory skitty mare and foal galloping field side just to finish of our nerves ! All in a days horse ownership.
Think Daisy has slightly sore feet - longest bearefoot work on road since shoes off. Will chat to farrier in next few days and make a plan.
All horses v lively tonight with one in the coe field next door and the other jumping the fence - think they’re hungry - however they are still fat . Need better fences
Shadow ate a lot of this willow on his way back to the stable - getting plenty of variety on route to fields.

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