The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Sitting In A Greenhouse

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was hot today. Really really hot. It was 27 degrees. In Scotland! I’m not wild about that kind of heat unless there is either a pool or a sea within 10 metres.

I was working today and I went for lunch with a couple of colleagues. The only seat left in the cafe was at the window. With the sun beating in. We all looked like we had been in a sauna by the time we had eaten. I was concerned that I was going to have the seat stuck to me when I stood up to leave!

Tonight was the first night since we came back from Mallorca that I haven’t been busy and I just wanted to sit on the sofa watching Arrested Development with the rest of The Normals. I think I might need another holiday. I’ll suggest that to The Prince.


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