The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Computer Says No

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was my first day in the office for 3 weeks and I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would like to be. Less. It was not helped by Rod being in a foul mood all day. It was quite rude of him to be annoyed with his code not working instead of providing light entertainment to ease the pain of my return to work.

At lunchtime, I managed to lock my account when trying to log back in. A helpful message informed me to call the service desk. Less helpfully, the message did not contain the number so I just wandered over to the tech support guys and asked them to unlock my account.

A nice man called George happily obliged. I asked if I could have a direct number for future use which seemed like a simple request. He explained that they use the phone system to verify a caller’s identity but as I am still on the old phone system, that wouldn’t be possible so they wouldn’t be able to help me! The joys of two companies merging seamlessly! We both laughed at the ridiculousness of this situation...

Me: That will be annoying because I am DEFINITELY me.

George: I know, but we can’t use the phone verification system to tell that you are you.

Me: Ok, well why don’t I give you a secret way to identify me? I could tell you my favourite fish?

George: Do you mean breaded or battered?

Me; Let’s go with that . Breaded. I definitely prefer breaded.

I walked off laughing and every time I passed later that day, I just tapped my nose and said ‘breaded’ as I walked past.

Random conversations at work make the day so much more bearable.


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