Red Squirrel


Phoenix Rising ...


This morning when I went out to feed Tom before work the sky was clear and the sun had risen above the trees. I spotted that it was shining on one of the Berberis by my field pond, making its autumn foliage glow. So I nipped indoors, grabbed my camera and quickly took a few shots. I'm really pleased as this particular one has a grey mould of some sort all over many of the stems (visible on this shot), and last winter in its leafless state it looked very poorly - I'd feared for its future, as it's my favourite of the ones there. But like a Phoenix it has risen and is one again covered in brilliant autumn colours. Yay!

I liked this close-up shot best, but also liked another of the bush viewed from further away.

Despite the promise of a lovely day, the weather sadly didn't hold out - by mid morning it was cloud, by lunchtime overcast and early afternoon drizzle started and has carried on intermittently since :(

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