Lip licking good

So today's Blip was going to be a photo of me swimming in the river. It rained a lot last night and first thing this morning; so the river is back to a depth that I can swim in. Yay!

This is obviously NOT a Blip of me swimming in the river. This is a Blip of me with an empty packet of dental sticks. Do you want to know why I've been Blipped with an empty packet of dental sticks?......................... Well I'll tell you..........................

Tomorrow we are heading off on our hols for a couple of weeks. While we are away, we are renting our house out to holiday makers so everything has to be super duper clean and tidy. All our personal stuff gets locked into one of our bedrooms, but obviously I take my dental sticks on holiday with me. So what happened was..................... Ann threw my packet of dental sticks onto the bottom stair and said, 'Molly, we need to take these with us. I'm just popping out to the car and then I'll pack up all your stuff.'

Mmmmmmmm........................ my teeth are in really good condition for my age. I really like dental sticks. Obviously while Ann was putting stuff in the car, I gobbled up all the dental sticks. Six to be precise! Ann was very a little bit angry with me. Oh well, ho hum. Ann really, really, loves me so she won't be angry with me for long................................

And guess what I've had for my dinner?.............................. Fish fingers. Yum! The good thing about renting out our house while we're on our hols (from a gorgeous little collie's point of view) is........................ we have to empty our fridge and freezer.

Fish fingers for dinner and we've got whole box of cooked sausages to take on hols with us. Yay!


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