Club 107

By club107

Old stomping ground

Our elder  two were kind of wiped out, with the excitement and heat of three days at Disneyland Paris.

We went however with the wee man to Montparnasse to view Paris. I lived for a brief while in the middle of this photo, the tallest of the three towers. To say that it was a bit of a dream period (some good some less so) would be a slight understatement. Swimming on the 30th floor, Rue de la Convention, the boxer's bar, concerts across Paris, meandering by accident into the 'estate' of the leader of the Far right and being politely asked to leave, being exposed to racism by being with a black girlfriend, going to see PSG, discovering one of the most beautiful cities in the world. All quite intriguing. In those days, literally half my photos were black and white.

Anyway, amazing views, back to the friend's flat then a drive to Brittany to see Madame's mother.


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