"Baby, you can drive my car...."

"...yes, I'm gonna be a star."  (Sorry about the earworm)

Look who is visiting Nana!  As you know, we try to go to NYC every month to see our darling granddaughter, but this time they have come to visit us.  Prior to their arrival, Grandpa dug out the Fisher-Price L'il Tykes Car that had been in the attic of the garage for the last 25 years.  We cleaned it up and it has been a big hit.  She spent a good part of the day on the porch being pushed around, beeping the horn and getting in and out at least a hundred times. She did pretty well, considering she was operating on about half the amount of sleep she usually gets.  

I had trouble picking my blip so I have loaded a couple of extras.  How could I resist this face?

I have written this several times, and each time my journal entry didn't appear.  I think it was because I thought I was being clever by adding some emoji musical notes to the title and first line.  Please pretend the notes are there.  :-)

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