Dolly at the Bullers of Buchan

We all headed up to Willows Animal Sanctuary this morning where we met my sister Cara! It was truly torrential rain at points but we had a good time nonetheless! We headed to Happy Plant afterwards for a look before heading home, it had really brightened up by the time we left which was nice! A spot of dinner and George, Cara and I headed off the the Bullers of Buchan to see if we could spot any puffins! I was delighted when we did, it's the first time I've ever seen them and they are such joyous wee characters! Unfortunately we weren't able to get to close as conditions underfoot would not allow, but I was pleased to be able to get a few good shots! I've put a quick snap of them I took with my iPhone but I will share some better shots once I upload the photos from my camera! The other extra is some goats at Willows, for some reason these guys couldn't find shelter in any of the wee houses and had to huddle on the less rainy side of the hay store, which was already occupied!

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