It's been a looong day and a battle between mind and body.
I woke far too early and had no energy, I spent 4/5 hours watching t.v/reading/colouring. My legs felt so heavy and it was an effort to walk. Doing nothing made me feel worse, low, I knew that but I couldn't physically do anything about it.
I eventually got going after lunch and went to the Botanics, by this time my head was going overtime, my chest was thumping and I was short of breath.
I sat here for a bit, listening to the harp playing, by I presume the wind. The whole sculpture was made from a tree in the Botanics that had Dutch Elm Disease.
I was getting more anxious and panicky and all I wanted to do is go home. Which I did.
I slept for a few hours, and it was still only 4pm.
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