Counting Flowers on the Wall...

..that don't bother me at all?

<back blip>

That'll teach me to get lost in an emotional explanation of the significance of this picture... Lost to the interweb :o(

Abbreviated version:

- This photo means a lot
- Started off as a shower self portrait
- Ended up towel-less in the hall by a reminder of the past
- The item is a head-dress from my 2006 White Warrior Woman character in Beltane Fire Festival
- Imagine an emotional explanation of the 2-3month journey to become that character on the night, that changed many aspects of my life
- Friends from this time (their 1st White experience) are running this year's group

The photo:
- Looks like I'm staring at the wreath (to me)
- I'm looking the other way
- Representation of moving forward, but possibly focussing too much on the past

That'll do

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