
The miniMinx wanted to do something special for her mum's birthday meal, this evening, which I thought was a lovely idea although I became slightly nervous when she opted for tapas. Going for a curry would be easier or having a barbecue but these are things we do frequently and she wanted to do something special. 

She organised to do the shopping with her grandmother after finishing school today and arranged with Abi that they would cook together, this evening. And, indeed, on arrival, the two girls took themselves into the kitchen and shut the door. Occasionally, Milly or I would pop our heads in offering to help only to be turned away.

But for the most part, we sat on the deck, chatting, drinking, and occasionally opening birthday presents (actually, that activity was limited to the Minx). And then, just after half seven, the girls started bringing the food out. 

OH MY GOD! What an amazing job they'd done! So many dishes, all delicious. The Minx was bowled over and I was so impressed. What a proper birthday treat.

-12.8 kgs
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‘A History Of Seven Killings’ by Marlon James

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