
By Mindseye

We're jammin!!!

amongst other things........todays haul from our garden, runner beans and new potatoes for dinner later (oops, forgot to include the potatoes!)

Hubs grown four different types of tomatoes, the small red cherries are the best in terms of flavour, called "Sweet Aperitif" so sweet, think it will be fried tomatoes on toast for breakfast tomorrow ;-)

Two jars of blackburrant jam and three jars of assorted red berries jam, including red currants, loganberries and strawberries, which I made a couple of weeks ago.

The forecast rain for today arrived mid morning, think we had a thimble full :-/ !!!
Its very windy though, hubs had to tie the runner beans to the fence, they keep blowing over!

Didnt sleep great again last night, woke so many times, mind you the blinds and curtains were flapping like mad!

Been out for a short walk this morning, nipped to the farm for eggs, so dippies and soldiers it was for lunch, spent a good while on line too, booking up a little trip out for our granddaugters before they go back to school.

Just about to go to the beauticians for a nice relaxing pedicure for an hour....ahhhhh!

Guess what, its just started to rain.....oh no, and thunder, looks like I'm going to get wet then!!!!

Tagged for Silly Saturday, not sure its really silly enough though ;-)

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