Life with Alice

By elirin

Climbing Trees

We had a hot but wonderful day in the shadow under the apple tree. I mostly snoozed, snuggling up with my red ball. Sometime in the late afternoon, mum decided that ice cream was to be had. Yay! It was one of those stupid ice creams with chocolate coating, but I got some vanilla which was nice.

Mum couldn’t be bothered to go and put the wrapping paper in the bin, so she put it in the apple tree. It was just too good an opportunity not to try and take advantage of. I jumped and jumped on my hind legs and almost reached it every time. Eventually, I was given the paper to lick so my efforts paid off.

We also had another foot bath at the paddling spot. Mum says if the heat continues, she might actually go for a swim, swimsuit or not...

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