The story so far...


Under the weather

Cam has picked up another cold and that coupled with teething means our monster feeder has gone on hunger strike. When offered the bottle he just blows raspberries (his new preferred way to show he doesn't like something) and unfortunately does the same when offered purées which results in mummy being covered in carrot and cauliflower!
Despite his diseased mutt state we venture out to teddy's music group with Dylan and his mummy in the morning. The boys enjoyed all the mayhem but it was all a bit too much for them both and were fast asleep by the hokey kokey.
We decided to try and cheer up a miserable afternoon by heading over to Marlow with cj and max and their mummies. We had lots of conversation over sandwiches, cake and coffee and then a nice stroll round the shops before we headed home.
Cam has been in a chirpy mood and despite the lack of eating and runny nose you would never know he was ill. It just goes to show that the 'man flu' over reaction to illnesses is not something they are born with!

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