Bluedot: day four/The Chemical Brothers and Baloji

Here's some flawed logic for you: last year, Orbital were paying at Bluedot. I've never really liked them but I went along with the Minx, saying I'd give it twenty minutes but then spent the entire show absolutely rapt. So this year, when the Chemical Brothers, whom I do like, were playing, I assumed I'd enjoy it as much as - if not more than - Orbital. 


After about half an hour, I was bored out of my skin. I made my apologies to the Minx who was grooving away, and went for a walk around the gardens, which are even more beautiful by night. And then I came across Beloji, who'd already played the main stage, today, playing another set. This was everything the Chemical Brothers weren't: interactive and improvised, organic and... human. (Not that I don't sometimes enjoy the reverse of all those things.)

Quite apart from the beauty and visceral groove of their music, I was delighted to enjoy their playing because it stopped me feeling like a bit of a grumpy old man. 

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Steve Martin’s ‘Picasso At The Lapin Agile’.

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