St Magnus Cathedral

Woke up with thunder, heavy rain, misty in places and windy.  The afternoon was warm and sunny, showers later but a fine calm evening.  More showers tonight.

Up early, packed my bag and headed to the airport.  Thank you Orkney, see you soon :)  Back home, and picked up Sammy from Madeline.  Got on with chores in the afternoon, and much needed weeding.  Mam, sister Julie, Ingram and the lasses popped by for a cuppa, and then we headed down to mam's for tea.  Bro Jonny met us too, and later a walk with Sammy around Hoswick.  Quiet night now.

I couldn't come to Orkney and not Blip the cathedral.  St Magnus Cathedral is a stunning work of art starting from 1137.  Ruled by the Norse Earls of Orkney, it was built not only to serve Orkney, but Shetland too.  Today it still stands proud, and dominates the Kirkwall skyline, and can be seen from great distances.  

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